
Hear From Our Participants

"I can tell you that this program far exceeded my 4 needs.
1) Accommodations: Excellent! The hotel had double occupancy rooms, clean, fresh linen and towels, and HOT SHOWERS, +++, in the center of Jerusalem!
2) Food: Delicious and plentiful! Breakfast/lunch: a choice of a gigantic sandwich and accouterments. Dinner: In the hotel private dining room, buffet style, a choice of meat, chicken, sides, AND a full Israeli salad bar.
3) The day: Perfect! Leave the hotel by bus at promptly 6 am. Arrive at the orchard at approximately 6:45, shacharit services, work alternating picking in the field and packing in the warehouse 7 am- about 3 pm, back by about 4 pm, dinner at 6 pm.
4) The program: Terrific! Shomer Shabbat, kosher; the most varied, different, and diverse group from all over the world and the US, 18-70+; different professions, occupations, and Jewish backgrounds.
The amazing thing is we quickly became family. One of the participants put it best. Although varied, different, and diverse, we all shared a commonality of purpose, we all came to Israel because we felt we had to DO SOMETHING, and that united us! But I feel we went even further. Not only did we become family, but our commonality of purpose transcended and transformed the group into a FELLOWSHIP. "
Stephen (Shlomo) Wohlberg, Mission Ambassador
"It was my honor to participate in a program called Israel Food Rescue for 2 weeks in January. There are many opportunities to volunteer in Israel during this difficult time, but my heart and soul needed an opportunity to “get my hands dirty”. After seeing the photos of a participant who I know from our local community, I knew IFR was just right for me...
Thirty five of us volunteers constructed 5400 boxes so that the farmers could distribute their produce. We planted 18,000 fennel plants! And when the rains started and the mud was more than we had ever seen, we were assigned to greenhouses where young African men, who are in Israel to learn Israeli farming techniques, taught us to harvest, prune, secure the plants to the stakes,
and package produce for transport. All of this work, accomplished in 6 hours per day, was done with good humor and camaraderie. I will always have a warm place in my heart for the people who helped to fill my spirit while doing this incredible and important work...
The thankfulness that we experienced was palpable. From the security person at El Al to the nut shop owners at Machane Yehuda who poured drinks and toasted me and my friend, to my High School friend’s kids and their Jerusalem family who invited me to Shabbat dinner……we felt it. But nowhere did we feel it as much as at the barbecue lunch hosted by the family who owns the fennel farm. The warm thanks that we received from them was incredible. We knew that we had arrived at a patch of farmland that was brown and left that land, green with tiny little plants. We knew that there was no one to plant the crops since all of his foreign workers had returned to their home countries and his Israeli workers were fighting for the very existence of their country……we knew. On my final day, when our leader called us to the bus, I looked at my cucumber pruning partner with tears in my eyes, and told him that I wasn’t finished….. there was and is so much more work to be done.
Darlene Bikshorn, Mission Ambassador
Hear From The Farmers
"You are not just coming to help my farm, you are saving my farm."
Shlomi, Owner of Beit Ezra farm
“I have so much respect for this group. Mature people, who have left behind their jobs, substantial people, doctors, substantive professionals who left everything and come to help. And they helped indeed. They’ve helped us with enthusiasm, did hard work in the fields, and truly made a difference, clearing our fields and raising our spirits."
Iris Saidi, Owner of Bustan HaDarom
"We are in a big crisis and I want to thank you for helping us and giving the citizens of Israel the tomatoes they love."
Yuval Lipkin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, during our visit to the Ministry of Agriculture
"We appreciate it, very very much. You lifted our spirits when we needed it. I think it's the most important thing you did. You came when we most needed it when there was no one else. You were very helpful, and very productive. It was a pleasure to know you were here. It's a very good feeling to know we have friends like you."
Chai Saidi, Owner of Bustan HaDarom
"'Let each man help his neighbor and speak loudly to his brother.' The angels led by Alex came to us from afar.
People left their routines. Boarded a plane, paid a lot of money and came to help us, the farmers. All my adult life I was busy giving to others, I didn't think I would cross over to a side that needed help. After five months I know for sure.
Without volunteers from Israel and all over the world we would not have picked the fruits from the trees!
Thank you!"
Lior El, Farmer of Misgav Dov